Home Service Robot
Basic Requirements
Criteria | Meet Specification |
Include in your project submission your catkin_ws/src directory. Your directory must contain the official ROS packages you downloaded, your C++ packages and nodes, your world files, and shell scripts. |
The student submitted all required files specified in the criteria. |
Criteria | Meet Specification |
Design a simple environment with the Building Editor tool in Gazebo. Customize your environment with color or texture. |
The student designed their environment and stored it in the World directory of their catkin_ws/src. |
Robot Model
Criteria | Meet Specification |
Use the turtlebot for this project or customize your own robot with an RGB-D camera or laser sensor. This robot can be an extension of your previous work. |
The robot should not intersect with walls of your environment in gazebo. Special specs for customized robots:
Criteria | Meet Specification |
Manually test SLAM with a robot inside your customized environment. |
The student should write a |
Write a wall follower node that will autonomously map your environment. |
Save a map of your environment. |
The student should have both a |
Criteria | Meet Specification |
Manually test navigation with your robot inside your environment. Use the 2D Nav Goal in rviz and command your robot to navigate to two different locations. |
The student should write a |
Write a node that will communicate with the ROS navigation stack and autonomously send two goals for your robot to reach. |
Criteria | Meet Specification |
Model a virtual object with markers in rviz. |
Home Service Robot
Criteria | Meet Specification |
Edit your |
Your home service robot should be simulated as follow:
Tips to make your project standout:
Stand out submissions should have a customized robot, a complicated environment with multiple rooms, and high accuracy map.